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Flashback to Nov 2020

It's easy to look at people further down the sobriety journey and think things like: "that's great for them, I couldn't do that" or "they're not the same as me" - So I wanted to share something from when I was earlier in my journey. Here is my 'day 1 photo' vs my 'day 90 photo'. If you look at my eyes, you can actually see the life coming back....

"14 November 2020

90 day no booze challenge complete!!! 🙌

Whatever your relationship with alcohol, I'd encourage anyone to give this challenge a go and to give it your all. Maybe for charity, or maybe just for you. It's been a revelation to just 'sit with feelings' - positive and negative - without having a glass of something alongside. I spent Halloween and bonfire night drinking hot chocolate and honestly enjoyed both more than I have in years.

I've also become a 'runner' - well, I'm probably not quite there yet, but I keep on trying 😂 I'm definitely less stressed and a whole lot calmer in general.

Msg me (confidentially) if you want any links to the reading I found especially helpful, or just a check in ❤️

Right now, I'm not sure I'll ever drink again - forever is a long time, but I've definitely had my eyes opened and I'm not sure I'll ever be able to ignore all that I've learnt.

I'm really grateful to everyone who supported me along the way, especially my long suffering husband 😂 Celebrating today with alcohol free mulled wine, party food and Christmas decorations 🎄🥰🙌😂

These are rough times for everyone, whatever you're doing to cope - keep pushing forwards. It can not and will not, rain forever"

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